Sunday, January 26, 2014

Six Months Post Op

Well, it's now been six months since I had the surgery, and I thought it was time for an update. The short story is that it is all working very well. I had read other blogs where people had written that it takes about six months to recover from penile implant surgery, and they were correct almost to the day.

After the surgery,  and up until a few days ago, I had the occasional twinge of pain or sensitivity in my penis,  particularly after intercourse.  But recently, I noticed that all of that has gone away, and my penis feels completely normal.  That is, except that it is now always erect. For the most part, that is a good thing.  I have noticed that sometimes it is a little uncomfortable in tight jeans, and I either need to  "make an adjustment" or loosen the jeans, but, of course, that is a problem that any man has when he has an erection, and sometimes when he doesn't.

Now onto the most important thing,  how does it work for intercourse?   The answer is, that it works well,  particularly if we approach it properly.  That means it works well if there is a pillow under my wife's bottom, and she is on a firm mattress.  It is indeed wonderful not to have to worry about whether or not I will have an erection.

 I still plan to have the revision,  but because of some other scheduling conflicts,  that will have to wait until about May.  I'm still looking for a really good doctor to do the revision. If you know of one, please let me know.

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