Monday, October 7, 2013

Nearly 90 Days Post Op

Well, it's been nearly 90 days, and we are finally getting used to the new implant.

(If you are new to this blog, please read the earlier  posts, so you will understand about the implant I have, and why.)

This implant is, "flexible", and the last thing we want is a flexible penis. If approached straight on, it does not flex, or bend, but if one of us moves to the side, my penis bends at the base. Also, since I only have one implant, on one side of my penis, my penis is smaller in diameter than it would be if I had the normal two implants. That, said, with a strategically placed pillow under my wife's butt, this works MUCH better than what I had before. It is so wonderful to always know that I have an erection, and that it will not "go away". We can make love whenever we want to, and for as long as we want to. All of the pain and hyper-sensitivity that I wrote about in earlier posts, is gone.

All of that said, I plan to have revision surgery in a few months to get the inflatable implant I originally wanted.

In retrospect, the surgery was not much worse than a dentist's appointment. Outside of having to wear a catheter for two weeks because the doctor accidentially cut into my urethra, the post op recovery wasn't too bad (but I sure wouldn't plan to go to work during that period).

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant to read your positive experiences - mine was and is very similar
